I'll Share My Life Lyrics

Ruby Album

I'm feelin ready
and you are too
Ready to make promises come true
there will be rains
there will be sunshine
there will be rhythms
and rhymes
you hold me right
so I'm ready to try
starting tonight
I'll share my life
I'll share my life
I'll share my life with you
It ain't always easy
life has it's blues
But I'm feelin real and strong with you
there will be rights
there will be wrongs
there will be silence and songs
you hold me right
so I'm ready to fly
starting tonight
I'll share my life
I'll share life
I'll share my life with you
there will be rains
there will be sunshine

Derek Pantling

Photographer / Composer / Singer / Song Writer

Derek composes original music: Meditative & Yoga Music, Piano Compositions, Produces music productions, Orchestral, Electronic, Children's Songs, including writing Lyrics & Poetry.

Derek also has a broad range of photography styles and has complied an eclectic collection in his photo galleries.



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